This Portion of the Review will showcase the Quality of the build in DVR Function that outputs to a Micro SD card.
I do not think we ever get tired of stressing this to our friends and clients, that to us this feature is of great importance other then its just something else that it can do.
This is why we are talking about this prior to showing all hardware option and other things.
Having a DVR on the ground side is Extremely Valuable.
Very simple scenatio is you were driving home and saw this beautiful place and decided to stop by and explore it with your RMM250 mini quad. Unfortunatly u chose to disregard our advice on on having a ground based recorded because why waste money on it because it records it in nothing that you would be proud of posting on youtube!. Probobly thought that we were stupid since you already have a mobius recording in HD.
Well you start flying then about 250 feet away hit a treebrand and spiral straight down. Then you figure out that there was no way you could of possibly reacted fast enough to look up and locate your falling machine before it hit the ground.
Then you start what turns into a 4 hours search mission for your machine, if you are lucky and you do find it.
Cheapest Scenario, your goggles recorded everything that you can just replay and try to figure out a general ideo of exactly where it fell and go there to look for it. =1 hour
If you had us build you a machine with FPV gear on it then it will %100 have full OSD(on screen display) of all the important information, but most importantly your exact gps location accurate of up to 4 feet. then you just turn on the very last frame that you have, type the numbers into google maps and go get your machine = 30 minutes tops
Now the quality of this particular DVR is very good as i was expecting it to be a lot worse as i have seen some stand alone recorders do a much worse job.
It is still no where near what we actually see in real time, quality wise, but its closer then most.
Please see the Following Video of one of my 250 frames, with very minimal OSD information as we must not have text obstracting the littel branches we need to squize by when flying the 250 class frames.
the next video of the latest TBS Discovery platforms that we have been making, so far it has gain a lot of popularity due to the amazing hardware selection and tuning.
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