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About RushMore Inc.

Hello everyone and Welcome to my Blog.
Purpose of this site is to give you insight on everything that RushMore Mods and Rush-IT has in the Works.
There are two aspects to what we do:
1st. Rush-IT goal is to create an unprecedented performance machines that are One of the Kind yet produced on the platforms of Production Workstations and High End Gaming Machines. We have close ties to the HP's workstation market as well as Dells, and of course for gaming it would be non other but Alienware. Through the next few upcoming blogs we will be sharing some of the work we have done over the last month. A month is a good number to go back due to the fact of ever changing technologies, what we would design last month is most likely now going to be altered to the ever growing market.

2nd. RushMore Mods takes a completely different approach to delivering the best of the best. There are some people like myself who do not wish to blend in, who strive for the unique pieces in life. We deliver that, while RIT focus on known branding, RMM's focus is on the ultimate pursuit of performance. We do not only design technology to be the fastest but also the most unique, beautiful, and most of all FUNCTIONAL. Every little piece is engineered with a purpose, there is nothing in our builds that serves for pure bling factor. That sole model is what sets us apart, our machines perform like no other and look the best because all the parts were design to work and look in harmony, instead of just mashing some cool parts you bought into your design.
In the last year my interests have changed as i have grown intelectually and socially.
RushMore Mods have now expanded into fields that i never even imagnined i could be.
A big potion of the following posts will be me showing you some of my my creations involving the XYZ axis machinery.
I will share with you my thoughts on the latest products and how i made them better in the CO2 Laser world and 3D Printing Universe.
RushMore Mods is launching a 3D printer Line in the next few month and i am here to share with you all the hard work and the origins of all the ideas that is going to really set us apart from all the other manufactures.

Thank you all for Checking out our blog and we hope you keep coming back for all the latest news, galleries, mods, how-to guides, and much more.

Once again Thank you
aka RushMore


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