Hello As promised there will be a lot more activity on our blog.What better way to kick things of then with a shoot out. Granted im sure many others have done similar things already, but i want to go step further then just making a jig to measure thrust, i want to share flight videos, real in flight telemetry and really settle on a true winner. Winner of what might you ask. Well i have been selling mini quads left and right lately and while i have been focusing on more get the most bang for your buck i could not forget what RushMore Mods stands for. We are always in endless pursuit of performance. In this post i get to share my experience with some of the best hardware money can buy, Please do not worry if you do not see everything in this exact post because as i am writing this i am realizing that this is a multi day event. Enough with the chit chat, let me cut to the chase, We are going to be building three quads, and if the mailman decides to do their job there will be a fourt...