Here we go Ladies and Gentleman, RushMore Mods finally going to have a dedicated space to share all the latest news and ideas and projects. I never realized how hard it is to actual start a blog, but i figure for the first post i think i will just do a compilation of pictures from my projects that way you get a good idea what it is that i do, and what my interests are and if you can relate to them. I would have to say the number one thing that made me become involved with an online community and got me interested in the things i do today which is totally different from Data Center Project Managment that i use to do and build high end systes. so the first on the list is the SEXY RED GOT WET, which has an 85 page build log on but i will just sum it up with a couple of pictures. then you will see some other machines i have built. and that will conlcude that part of my life Ever since my wife got prengant i quit my job and started tinkering which is so much fun, actual...